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Hi, I’m Adam, and in essence, I’m a keen participant in humanity ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ.

I’m incredibly grateful for all the opportunities to explore and learn things about the World that I’ve already had, and for all the amazing people from all walks of life that I’ve met:

I’ve traveled in almost everything from crammed Albanian busses to business-class flights, hitchhiked in strangers’ cars, and sailed across seas in half-broken sailboats.

I’ve slept under the stars on beaches, on yachts, in forests hanging in hammocks, shivered in bivvy bags in the Alps, but also enjoyed great food from Couchsurfing hosts.

I’ve volunteered in orphanages, student societies, participated in workshops spanning from first aid to sailing, and tried many sports, from tennis, through ball hockey, to MMA.

I’ve studied at great places and also at not-so-great places, and learned that I’ll never stop learning, but, above all, gotten to know some genuinely wonderful people.

I’ve worked at hot startups, small NGOs, and even large corporations, focusing on various areas of what is usually referred to as “tech”. I’m currently working as a Software Engineer in London, learning a lot about different aspects of this field.

I’m passionate about too many things to list here, and I’m always happy to get in touch:

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